Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Redefining Intent

Aim of the project: To reason Why you believe what you believe?

Addressing questions like:

What is a belief?
Belief is a state of mind where an individual holds a proposition to be true.

What is the importance of belief?
What you are right now is direct result of what your beliefs are. Belief is a cognitive faculty that helps us function in life by directing your thoughts, actions and your behavior.

Why beliefs are formed?

Beliefs are among the most primitive and central of mental constructs, and yet there is little agreement as to what they are or how they should be construed. They are basic to our understanding of a wide range of central phenomena in modern psychology. 
For example our beliefs are key components of our personalities and senses of identity, and our expressions of beliefs often define us to others. Many of our reactions to others are based on our beliefs and our perceptions of theirs, and it is impossible to understand racism, prejudice, religious and national conflicts without considering disagreement in basic belief systems. We join many groups because we believe the group will support our beliefs, and our participation in groups changes many of our beliefs. 
We seek psychotherapy in our effort to change our beliefs about self and the things we hold dear. Our political and religious beliefs are central to many of us. 
Many of our behaviors, mundane and consequential, are affected by what we believe. And on it goes.

Overarching question: Why you believe what you believe?

What am I saying through my Project?
Through the simple act of breaking beliefs, I am provoking the viewer to question why beliefs should be subject to reasoning and open to correction so as to evaluate one's actions, thoughts and behavior. (so to question one's thoughts and actions in society/life.)

Bigger Questions:

1) How important is it to know your "true-self"?
2) What am I Going to gain by knowing the "true self"?

Do you know yourself or do you believe that you know yourself?

Taking two beliefs: 1) You believe in yourself.
                                2) You believe in what you see.

(check ideas for installation in the slideshow)

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