Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Presentation for Review 3

Review#3 Presentation
Kumkum wanted me to present the process so far in tems of research, analysis, ideas, concepts etc.
After this Review, a lot of things in my project changed-the intent had to be redefined because i had opened up the phenomenon of the placebo effect and touched upon much larger concepts. (check presentation for the larger concepts). I had also stumbled upon a form, not he final one, but this form helped broaden the topic at first, and helped me narrow down to a focus.
After feedback from my panel, I had to narrow down the focus to 'Self' and open up the premise of belief because that would add some meat to my narrative and accordingly redefine the intent. So a lot of simultaneous work has been happening for the past two weeks.
I think I have arrived at a more fixed focus (Self) and made the connection to Belief.
I had spoken to Mr. Ravindra and he helped me structure and pin down my focus.

Also, in terms of the form I have been doing some Explorations and getting back in touch with Processing. I made the Delay happen and also a few other fun things. (will put them up soon)

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